Monday, October 15, 2012

More Random Cool Stuff

Another entry in random cool stuff!  We have a variety this week, ranging from some funny stuff to inspirational, some more funny stuff and then informative.

1.  Alicia Keys - "Empire State of Mind"
A lot of people know the remix with Jay-Z, but just listen to this, and you'll probably never want to listen to the other version again.  Inspirational?  To say the least:

2.  Half in the Bag reviews "Jack and Jill"
If you want to learn something (sad) about modern filmmaking, then look no further.  You are about to learn a great deal about what's wrong in film today.

Okay, so, the Adam Sandler movie "Jack and Jill" sucks something awful.  We all know this, but do you know why it sucks?  Well, the guys at Half in the Bag dissect "Jack and Jill" right down to one very specific point...and hilariously demonstrate how most of Sandler's films, and many films like his these days, are "theoretically" a comedy but are mostly just thinly veiled commercials for the various products owned by Sony (Coca-Cola, Oreos, Columbia Tri-Star Pictures, Royal Caribbean Cruise, Pepto Bismol, etc.).  In other words, shameless, shameless product placement.  So, here it is, what they've dubbed the "Great Adam Sandler Scam."

Here's Part 1 and Part 2.

3.  Galactic Empire State of Mind
So, since we covered Alicia Keys's amazing "Empire State of Mind," here's a parody you must see that...well...just watch:

4.  Diversity of Martial Arts
Here's a documentary I did for the martial arts school where I work and train.  The Atlanta Martial Arts Center is a school that teaches Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Thai boxing, Filipino kali, Jeet Kune Do, Combat Submission Wrestling, and the Keysi Fighting Method.  This documentary will show the uninitiated the differences between each art, the strengths and weaknesses of each, and how each art is taught somewhat differently depending on how and where it was created:

5.  "Robot" by Helena Bell
If you're a fan of short stories, Clarkesworld Magazine's website has quite a few for free, as well as articles about fiction and writing today.  It's a lot like my site "Forest of Ideas", with a bunch of free short stories and even novels!  Here's Robot by Helena Bell.  Enjoy:

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