Friday, November 7, 2014

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

You sometimes hear couples say that the baby wasn't real in their minds until they gave him/her a name.  That's when you know it's for real.  Well, now we've got a name for the new Star Wars film, and it somehow makes it a bit more real.

It happened.  It actually happened.  They're done filming now, and the film is in the editing stages.  It seems impossible, especially since fans knew for a long time that George Lucas said he was done with this franchise, but then Disney purchased Lucasfilm and all its subsidiaries, and a new saga was planned.

Star Wars!

Just the name itself evokes images of our collective childhood, of lightsaber duels, and of playground debates about who would win in a fight, Yoda or the Emperor.  (At least, that was my awesome childhood!)  More recent generations may recall the same kind of debates revolving around who shot first, Han or Greedo, and what, if anything, should we make out of Jar Jar Binks and the midi-chlorians.

Well now, the saga returns, and in an almost surreal turn, the original cast (Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill), as well as much of the supporting cast (Anthony Daniels as C-3PO, Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca), have returned.  And now, we have a title for this new cinematic miracle:

"Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

There's some talk about what this title means, and if you want to avoid ALL POTENTIAL SPOILERS, you should be wary, but these are only theories at this point.

Right now, the leading theory goes that Luke Skywalker has actually been missing since the events of Return of the Jedi, that he's gone into self-imposed exile after narrowly escaping the Death Star and ridding the universe of the menace that was the Emperor.  The title may only suggest Luke's return (we do know he's in the movie, at least, though we don't know how much), but it may also suggest a greater awakening, a new Sith cult that's been lying in wait somewhere.

A trailer is expected within the next month or so.


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